Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About India

 India is great & big country. India's Geographic Coordinates8° 4' and 37° 6' latitudes north of the Equator &68° 7' and 97° 25' longitudes east of it.
it's latitudes & longitudes is 30°. one thing  Arunachal Pradesh To Sorashtra time Distance to deffer 2 hours. 
length north to south side 3214KM & width east to west 2933 total area is 3287782 sq metar

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

India Festivals and Fairs

Indian calendar festivals.


Sankranti harvest festival.
Republic Day: National: establishment of Republic 1950. 26th January. Grand Military Parade and Procession of dancers etc. Delhi.
Vasant Panchami: National Hindu – dedicated to Saraswati the beautiful Goddess of Learning. Women wear yellow saris. Floating Festival:


Shivaratri: worship of Hindu deity, Lord Shiva. Fasting and chanting.
Holi: Mainly northern, popularly festival of colors. Advent of Spring. Lively and much throwing of coloured water and powders.
Ramnavami: National: Birth of Rama.
Easter: Good Friday / Easter Sunday National.


Kumbh Mela: Hindu festivals. It takes place every three years, at one of the four great holy cities; Nasik in Maharashtra, Ujjain (MP), Prayag (Allahabad) and Hardwar (both in UP). It is attended by millions of pilgrims who take a holy dip in the sacred Ganges River.


Baisakhi: Hindu Solar New Year.
Id-Ul-Zuha: (Bakrid): Muslim
 Id-Ul-Fitr (Ramzan Id): Muslim,


Rath Yatra: Mainly Orissa Lord Jagannath (Lord of the Universe).


Teej:  Procession of the Goddess Parvati to welcome monsoon; elephants, camels, dancers etc.
 Raksha Bandhan: Northern and Western India. girls tie rakhis or talismen to men’s wrists. Colourful build up. Naag Panchami:


Independence Day: (15th August). National: Independence Day. Prime Minister falg hosting in  Delhi’s Red Fort.
Janmashtami: National, but Agra, Mathura; Lord Krishna’s birthday.


Dussehra: National: The most popular festival in india celebrated in different ways in different parts of the country. Eastern India it is known as Durga Puja, and in the South as Navaratri.Fair, Himachal Pradesh: Kulu Valley to coincide with Dussehra (10 days).
Gandhi Jayanti: National: Father Gandhi’s birthday.
Diwali: National: This festival start on the time of ramji time come back after 14 day in ayodhay
New Year. In Eastern India, the goddess  Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity,


Muharram: Muslim.  Imam Hussain’s martyrdom. mostly in Lucknow.


Christmas Day:
Welcome To India

India Map for tourist

India - Nature


Himalaya 2400 km long between 240 and 320 km wide
Kanchenjunga (8534 m)
Aravalli Ranges (Rajasthan)
Mount Abu (1219 m)
Eastern Ghats (Height ca 610m)
Western Ghats (Height 915- 1220m, some Mountains upto 2440m)

Rivers (Total Lenghth)

Ganges 2.510 km
Brahmaputra 2.900 km


770.100 km² about 23,4% of total area


200.000 km² about 1/3 cultivable


45.000 different Species
15.000 Vascula Flora about 35% endemic

National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries

80 Nationalparks
441 Wildlife Sanctuaries
about 23 Tigerreserves (Project Tiger)
c. 40.000 Tigerpopulation end of 19. Century
c. 2.000 in the 70's
c. 6.000 today
consists 60 % of the worldwide tigerpopulation


65.000 different Species:
Fishes: 2.500
Amphibians: 150
Reptiles: 350
Birds: 2.100
Mammals: 350
Special: Tiger, Asian Lion, Elephant, Four horn antilope (Choushinha), One horn Rhinoceros, three different Leopard
(snow Leopard), black an brown Bear, Yak, Tapir, Moschusdeer, Sibirischer Kranich, Indian Wild ass, Indian Bison (Gaur),
Indian Buffalol (Nigail), largest Red wild population of the world (8 different Species), Crocodiles, among it the
Gangesgharial, found only in India

India Facts - General

Country Name India
                         Republic of India;
                         Bharat Ganrajya

The Indian peninsula is separated from mainland Asia by the Himalayas. The Country is surrounded by the Bay of Bengal
in the east, the Arabian Sea in the west, and the Indian Ocean to the south.

Geographic Coordinates
Lying entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, the Country extends between 8° 4' and 37° 6' latitudes north of the Equator,
and 68° 7' and 97° 25' longitudes east of it. Distance: North-South: 3.214 km, East-West: 2.933 km

Indian Standard Time GMT + 05:30

Area 3.3 Million sq. km

Telephone Country Code +91

Border Countries
Afghanistan and Pakistan to the north-west; China, Bhutan and Nepal to the north; Myanmar to the east; and Bangladesh to
the east of West Bengal. Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel of sea, formed by Palk Strait and the Gulf
 of Mannar.

7,516.6 km encompassing the mainland, Lakshadweep Islands, and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

The mainland comprises of four regions, namely the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the Indus, the desert
region, and the southern peninsula.

Expanse Population
India 3.287.263 km² 1 Billion(2000)
India's population, as on 1 March 2001 stood at 1,028 million (532.1 million males and 496.4 million females).


Ethnic Groups
All the five major racial types - Australoid, Mongoloid, Europoid, Caucasian, and Negroid find representation among the
people of India.

According to the 2001 census, out of the total population of 1.028 million in the Country, Hindus constituted the majority
 with 80.5%, Muslims came second at 13.4%, followed by Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and others.

There are 22 National Languages have been recognized by the Constitution of India, of which Hindi is the Official Union
Language. Besides these, there are 844 different dialects that are practiced in various parts of the Country.

According to the provisional results of the 2001 census, the literacy rate in the Country stands at 64.84 per cent, 75.26%
for males and 53.67% for females.

Government Type
Sovereign Socialist Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government.

New Delhi

Administrative Divisions
28 States and 7 Union Territories.

Independence Day
15th August 1947 (From the British Colonial Rule)

The Constitution of India came into force on 26th January 1950.

Legal System
The Constitution of India is the fountain source of the legal system in the Country.

Executive Branch
The President of India is the Head of the State, while the Prime Minister is the Head of the Government, and runs office
with the support of the Council of Ministers who form the Cabinet Ministry.

Legislative Branch
The Indian Legislature comprises of the Lok Sabha (House of the People) and the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) forming
both the Houses of the Parliament.

Judicial Branch
The Supreme Court of India is the apex body of the Indian legal system, followed by other High Courts and subordinate Courts.

Flag Description
The National Flag is a horizontal tricolour of deep saffron (kesaria) at the top, white in the middle, and dark green at
the bottom in equal proportion. At the centre of the white band is a navy blue wheel, which is a representation of the
Ashoka Chakra at Sarnath.

National Holidays
26th January (Republic Day)
15th August (Independence Day)
2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti; Mahatma Gandhi's Birthda

Monday, August 23, 2010

About India

Bounded by the majestic Himalayan ranges in the north and edged by an endless stretch of golden beaches, India is a vivid kaleidoscope of landscapes, magnificent historical sites and royal cities, misty mountain retreats, colorful people, rich cultures and festivities. Modern India is home alike to the tribal with his anachronistic lifestyle and to the sophisticated urban jet-setter. It is a land where temple elephants exist amicably with the microchip. Its ancient monuments are the backdrop for the world’s largest democracy.
If you’re planning a holiday to India, looking for hotels and accommodation and events information or simply interested in India as a country you are sure to find many insights on the multifaceted travel options to India here.The timeless mystery and beauty of India can be experienced only by visiting this ancient Land. There’s just one thing you’ll need to travel through 5000 years of culture and tradition- A comfortable pair of shoes.

India map