Wednesday, August 25, 2010

India - Nature


Himalaya 2400 km long between 240 and 320 km wide
Kanchenjunga (8534 m)
Aravalli Ranges (Rajasthan)
Mount Abu (1219 m)
Eastern Ghats (Height ca 610m)
Western Ghats (Height 915- 1220m, some Mountains upto 2440m)

Rivers (Total Lenghth)

Ganges 2.510 km
Brahmaputra 2.900 km


770.100 km² about 23,4% of total area


200.000 km² about 1/3 cultivable


45.000 different Species
15.000 Vascula Flora about 35% endemic

National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries

80 Nationalparks
441 Wildlife Sanctuaries
about 23 Tigerreserves (Project Tiger)
c. 40.000 Tigerpopulation end of 19. Century
c. 2.000 in the 70's
c. 6.000 today
consists 60 % of the worldwide tigerpopulation


65.000 different Species:
Fishes: 2.500
Amphibians: 150
Reptiles: 350
Birds: 2.100
Mammals: 350
Special: Tiger, Asian Lion, Elephant, Four horn antilope (Choushinha), One horn Rhinoceros, three different Leopard
(snow Leopard), black an brown Bear, Yak, Tapir, Moschusdeer, Sibirischer Kranich, Indian Wild ass, Indian Bison (Gaur),
Indian Buffalol (Nigail), largest Red wild population of the world (8 different Species), Crocodiles, among it the
Gangesgharial, found only in India

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