Thursday, September 16, 2010

Indian Soils 75% People work in Agriculture

Soils Classification; six main soil types in India:-

1. Alluvial Soil- This soil is very fertile. Ganga – Satluj land made by Alluvial Soil. Think that world largest fertile land in this place. In India Alluvial Soil covers 43.7%.
2. Sandy Soil- In this soil most of part sandy is called sandy soil. Less fertile. If see this soil in this area Rajasthan, South- west Punjab and south west Haryana.
3. Mountain Soil- in this soil most of part is gravel and stone.  Fertility is less. I f you want to see this soil go to Himalaya.
4. Black Soil- its call Regur Soil also. This soil made by volcano lava & in this soil so many mineral its part. It is so fertile. This soil very fertile for Cotton.5 lack km2 area covered. West and middle Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra & Gujarat most of part & Karnataka north Andhra Pradesh west part see this soil.
5. Red Soil- this soil color is red. Less fertile. South pathar k east part me. Chute Nagpur Padhar, east Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka k some part & Maharashtra east.
6. Laterite Soil- less fertile. 


  1. woow Great is there anyone interested to do this job in india.

  2. yes this is most & large area to provide job in india
